Trace Elements

Trace elements are an important part of your production management. Trace element levels are often disregarded as part of the farm fertility program and yet poor levels will cause lower productivity. On many farms we are now seeing trace elements limiting production.

The soil, the plants that grow on that soil and any stock consuming those plants require adequate levels and they need to be added to soil every few years at least.

Enprove can assist with testing for trace element availability through soil and plant tissue testing and then we can recommend what amounts need to be put back onto paddocks.

Enprove can now provide bulk trace elements for spraying. Copper, Molybdenum, boron and zinc can be ordered in bag lots or pallet lots. These can generally be managed by any suitably skilled spray operator. Care needs to be taken that the correct dosages are applied to prevent toxicities.

Observations from improved trace levels include better pest and insect resistance, increased pasture growth rates, improved clover coverage, improved animal growth rates, lower incidences of lameness, improved milk cell count and improved fertility.

For assistance in applying trace elements or to order trace elements contact us today.



EnProve Ag & Environment
Phone 0448 866 205
Warrnambool Victoria Australia
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